Aage Langhelle: Uncertain Traces – Comments on Mapping
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Velkommen til åpning av Aage Langhelles utstilling «Uncertain Traces – Comments on Mapping inbetween Order and Randomness»
Utstillingen åpner kl. 14:00
Kl. 14:30: Omvisning i utstillingen ved Aage Langhelle.
Utstillingen står i perioden 8. april – 30. april.
Om utstillingen:
Aage Langhelle har over lengre tid arbeidet med bearbeidet fotografi, der de dokumentariske fotografiske elementene gradvis blir forstyrret og overmalt til helt eller delvis abstrakte arbeider. I sin nyeste serie Uncertain Traces – Comments on Mapping in-between Order and Randomness, ser man et malt linjenett og fotopapiret er eneste fotografiske referanse. Med blekk og håndbevegelser skaper han et organisk kart mellom orden og tilfeldighet. Langhelles arbeider kan ses som kunstneriske undersøkelser av kulturelle så vel som naturlige systemer og strukturer. Enkle motsetningspar blir avløst av flerfoldige mulige sammenhenger, og tilfeldig orden blander seg med ordnet tilfeldighet. Konsept, innhold og formale aspekter er tett sammenvevd til en helhet i det enkelte verk så vel som i forbindelsen mellom arbeidene.
“The subtitle of Langhelle’s work – Comments on Mapping in-between Order and Randomness –seems to provide a key of sorts to the decryption of the collaboration at hand. The ancient Chinese sages created the I Ching, a divinatory system involving the throwing of sticks and the subsequent interpretation of the incidental result, because they believed that random events – due to the very fact that they are devoid of apparent, instant, inherent meaning – may reveal deeper truths.”
(Rasmus Andreas Hungnes)
Aage Langhelle er bergenser, men bor og arbeider i Berlin. Han er utdannet ved kunsthøgskolene i Oslo og Bergen, har stilt ut omfattende i Norge og internasjonalt og er innkjøpt av Kulturrådet, Oslo museum og flere private samlinger. Langhelle driver prinz- georg // raum für kunst i Berlin.
Welcome to the opening of Aage Langhelle’s exhibition Uncertain Traces – Comments on Mapping in-between Order and Randomness.
The exhibition opens at 14:00
14:30: Guidet tour with Aage Langhelle
Exhibition period: April 8 – April 30
For a long period, Aage Langhelle has worked with processed photography where the photographic elements are gradually disturbed and painted over until only abstract and more or less random network of lines are visible in the works. In his most recent series, Uncertain Traces – Comments on Mapping in-between Order and Randomness, you can see a painted network of lines, and the photo paper remains as the sole reference to photography. With ink and gesture, he creates an organic map between order and randomness. One can interpret Langhelle’s works as artistic investigations on cultural as well as natural systems and structures. Simple dichotomies are superseded by various potential connections, and random order mingles with orderly randomness. Concept, content and formal aspects are tightly woven together and unified in the single work as well as in the connection between the works.
“The subtitle of Langhelle’s work – Comments on Mapping in-between Order and Randomness –seems to provide a key of sorts to the decryption of the collaboration at hand. The ancient Chinese sages created the I Ching, a divinatory system involving the throwing of sticks and the subsequent interpretation of the incidental result because they believed that random events – due to the very fact that they are devoid of apparent, instant, inherent meaning – may reveal deeper truths.” (Rasmus Andreas Hungnes)
Aage Langhelle is from Bergen, but he lives and works in Berlin. He is educated at the art academies of Oslo and Bergen, has exhibited extensively in Norway and internationally and his works has been purchased by the Norwegian Art Council, Oslo Museum and several private collections. Langhelle runs prinz-georg // raum für kunst in Berlin.